Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ryan Reynolds Does A One-Act Tour-de-Force Performance in 'Buried'

In one of the more interesting movies this year, Ryan Reynolds, a certified hunk, (no, the shirtless pictures here don't appear in the movie), does a one-act tour de force performance in the movie 'Buried'. This movie is not for the claustrophobe, as everything happens in one place, well, you guessed it - in a wooden coffin. Several interesting things happen in there, as well as a lot of cruel people doing this to him. I don't know if this movie is an attack at the previous Bush administration, but it's a damn good one! And Ryan provides the acting chops to carry everything - as in everything, in this movie!

If you still haven't seen the movie, and still want to see it, don't proceed.

Should You Pay 170 pesos to watch this? - The idea of oneself being in a coffin and buried alive, is in itself, pretty scary! Steel yourself when you watch this. There is no happy ending. And it makes you mad because there's a lot of bad people too - although you never see them -you only hear them.

What Impresses Me In this Movie - I didn't know Iraq had a great telecommunications infrastructure. Also, my brother says the phone Ryan uses in the whole movie is hi-tech! These aren't poor insurgents. They're loaded!!


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